The Weird of the White Wolf читать онлайн

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Название книги: The Weird of the White Wolf
Автор(ы): Michael Moorcock
Жанр: Боевая фантастика
Адрес книги:

In which we learn something of how the Age of the Young Kingdoms emerged and of the part played by the Dark Lady, Myshella, whose fate would later be intertwined with that of Elric of Melnibone
From the glassless window of the stone tower it was possible to see the wide river winding off between loose, brown banks, through the heaped terrain of solid green copses which blended very gradually into the mass of the forest proper. And out of the forest, the cliff rose, grey and light-green, up and up, the rock darkening, lichen-covered, to merge with the lower, and even more massive, stones of the castle. It was the castle which dominated the countryside in three directions, drawing the eye from river, rock, or forest. Its walls were high and of thick granite, with towers; a dense field of towers, grouped so as to shadow one another.Aubec of Malador marveled and wondered how human builders could ever have constructed it, save by sorcery. Brooding
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