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Название книги: THE
Автор(ы): Daniel Abraham
Жанр: Фэнтези
Адрес книги: http://www.6lib.ru/books/THE-192723.html
Daniel AbrahamTHEPRICE OFSPRINGBooks by Abraham(The Long Price Quartet):A Shadow in SummerA Betrayal in WinterAn Autumn WarThe Price of SpringTHE PRICE OF SPRINGDaniel AbrahamTo Scarlet AbrahamACKNOWLEDGMENTSFor the last time on this project, I reflect on the people who havehelped me get to the end of it. I owe debts of service and gratitude toWalter Jon Williams, Melinda Snodgrass, Emily Mah, S. M. Stirling, IanTregillis, Ty Franck, George R. R. Martin, Terry England, and all themembers of the New Mexico Critical Mass Workshop. I owe thanks to ConnieWillis and the Clarion West '98 class for starting the story off adecade ago. Also to my agents Shawna McCarthy, who kept me on theproject, and Danny Bator, who has sold these books in foreign lands andbeyond my wildest dreams; to James Frenkel for his patience, faith, anduncanny ability to improve a manuscript; to Tom Doherty and the staff atTor, who have made these into books with which I am deeply pleased.Thank you all.THEPRICE OFSPRINGPROLOGEiah Machi, physician and daughter of the E
Название книги: THE
Автор(ы): Daniel Abraham
Жанр: Фэнтези
Адрес книги: http://www.6lib.ru/books/THE-192723.html
Daniel AbrahamTHEPRICE OFSPRINGBooks by Abraham(The Long Price Quartet):A Shadow in SummerA Betrayal in WinterAn Autumn WarThe Price of SpringTHE PRICE OF SPRINGDaniel AbrahamTo Scarlet AbrahamACKNOWLEDGMENTSFor the last time on this project, I reflect on the people who havehelped me get to the end of it. I owe debts of service and gratitude toWalter Jon Williams, Melinda Snodgrass, Emily Mah, S. M. Stirling, IanTregillis, Ty Franck, George R. R. Martin, Terry England, and all themembers of the New Mexico Critical Mass Workshop. I owe thanks to ConnieWillis and the Clarion West '98 class for starting the story off adecade ago. Also to my agents Shawna McCarthy, who kept me on theproject, and Danny Bator, who has sold these books in foreign lands andbeyond my wildest dreams; to James Frenkel for his patience, faith, anduncanny ability to improve a manuscript; to Tom Doherty and the staff atTor, who have made these into books with which I am deeply pleased.Thank you all.THEPRICE OFSPRINGPROLOGEiah Machi, physician and daughter of the E
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