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Название книги: Rose Madder
Автор(ы): Stephen King
Жанр: Мистика
Адрес книги:

This book is for Joan MarksI’m really Rosie, And I’m Rosie Real, You better believe me, I’m a great big deal…Maurice SendakA bloody egg yolk. A burnt hole spreading in a sheet. An en- raged rose threatening to bloom.May Swenson
She sits in the corner, trying to draw air out of a room which seemed to have plenty just a few minutes ago and now seems to have none. From what sounds like a great distance she can hear a thin whoop-whoop sound, and she knows this is air going down her throat and then sliding back out again in a series of feverish little gasps, but that doesn’t change the feeling that she’s drowning here in the corner of her living room, looking at the shredded remains of the paperback novel she was reading when her husband came home. Not that she cares much. The pain is too great for her to worry about such minor matters as respiration, or how there seems to be no air in the air she is breathing. The pain has swallowed her as the whale reputedly swallowed Jonah, that holy draft-dodger
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