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Название книги: Misfortune
Автор(ы): Lisa Goldstein
Жанр: Научная Фантастика
Адрес книги: http://www.6lib.ru/books/Misfortune-186227.html

First appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, May 1997. Nominated for Best Short Story.

This is my story, but first I have to tell you about Jessie.
Jessie and I met at an audition. My agent had told me they were looking for someone to play a contemporary high school kid so I dressed the part-torn baggy jeans, white T-shirt, red flannel shirt tied around my waist.
I’d been waiting for about five minutes when Jessie walked in and gave her name to the receptionist. She wore one of those dress-for-success costumes that make women look like clowns-skirt and jacket of bright primary colors (hers were red), big buttons down the front, hugely padded shoulders. She looked at me and then down at herself and laughed and grimaced at the same time. It was an oddly endearing expression, the gesture of someone who knows how to poke fun at herself.
"You’re so clever," she said. She glanced at her outfit again. "I’ve probably blown it already."
She looked as if she wanted to talk further, b
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