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Название книги: Loose ends
Автор(ы): Greg Cox
Жанр: Научная Фантастика
Адрес книги: http://www.6lib.ru/books/Loose-ends-229747.html

From the television series developed by Jason KatimsTV Series Placement: Not Available
Eight hundred feet underground…and deep into danger.POCKET BOOKS New York London Toronto Sydney SingaporeBe sure to look for new titles in this suspense series Available from POCKET BOOKSDon't miss any books in the original series: ROSWELL HIGH#1 The Outsider#2 The Wild One#3 The Seeker#4 The Watcher#5 The Intruder#6 The Stowaway#7 The Vanished#8 The Rebel#9 The Dark One#10 The SalvationAvailable from POCKET PULSEFor orders other than by individual consumers, Pocket Books grants a discount on the purchase of 10 or more copies of single titles for special markets or premium use.For further details, please write to the Vice President of Special Markets, Pocket Books, 1230 Avenue of the Americas, 9th Floor, New York, NY 10020-1586.For information on how individual consumers can place orders, please write to Mail Order Department, Simon amp; Schuster, Inc., 100 Front Street, Riverside, NJ 08075.The sale of this book without its cover
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