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Скачать книгу Detroit Deathwatch - Электронная Библиотека
Название книги: Detroit Deathwatch
Автор(ы): Don Pendleton
Жанр: Боевик
Адрес книги:

Dedicated with admiration to all those who patrol the jungle yet remain immune to the dehumanizing influences there. Stay hard.
Mack Bolan had never thought that he would live forever. He had not really expected to survive even the first pitched battle of his war against the Mafia.A military realist, Bolan had been strongly aware from the very beginning that he was waging a war of hopeless dimensions. Even so, he was not a banzai soldier. Suicide had no part in this soldier's thinking. He was a cool strategist and a masterful tactician. His war was planned and fought with military precision, directed toward specific goals and calculated effects. One overriding consideration was, of course, to remain alive and, by extension, to keep his war alive. Not a cold war but a very hot one — blitzkrieg, thunder and lightning, death and destruction, shattered flesh and flowing blood, fear, panic, hysteria — all were Bolan's stock in trade, and he meant to keep that stock active for as long as possible.Not, h
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