книга Thief of Lives

Barb Hendee

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книга Thief of Lives

Magiere the dhampir thinks that her nights of hunting vampires are over. After settling down in her newly adopted village of Miiska-now vampire-free thanks to her and her half-elf partner, Leesil-she looks forward to quiet days tending to her tavern.
But far away in the capital city of Bela, a prominent councilman's daughter has been found dead on her own doorstep and all signs point to a vampire. Knowing that the battered and burned village of Miiska could use an infusion of cash, Bela's town council offers a generous bounty to the dhampir if she will slay their vampire. Magiere resists, wanting nothing more than to forget her past and ignore her half-vampire nature. Only Leesil can persuade Magiere to follow her destiny-before more innocents are claimed by darkness.

Жанр: Фэнтези
Скачано: 79 раз
Прочитано: 883 раз

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