книга The Orc King

Robert Salvatore

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книга The Orc King

Drizzt is back in this exciting new trilogy from R.A. Salvatore!
An uneasy peace between the dwarves of Mithral Hall and the orcs of the newly established Kingdom of Many-Arrows can't last long. The orc tribes united under Obould begin to fight each other, and Bruenor is determined to finish the war that nearly killed him and almost destroyed everything he's worked to build. But it will take more than swords and axes to bring a lasting peace to the Spine of the World. Powerful individuals on both sides may have to change the way they see each other. They may have to start to talk. But it won't be easy.

Жанр: Фэнтези
Скачано: 158 раз
Прочитано: 774 раз

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