книга The Killing Room

John Manning

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книга The Killing Room

"If you like Dean Koontz, you'll love John Manning!" – Wendy Corsi Staub
Once You Enter
Old houses have their secrets. The Young residence-a beautiful Maine mansion overlooking the Atlantic -is no exception. But the secrets here are different. They can kill
The Only Way Out
Carolyn Cartwright, private detective and ex-FBI agent, has been hired by Howard Young to investigate a string of gruesome family deaths. The crimes are horrific, brutal, and senseless. And the time has come for the killing to begin again
Is To Die
One by one, members of the Young family are chosen to die. Old and young, weak and strong, no one is safe from a killer with a limitless thirst for revenge. And the only way for Carolyn to uncover the shocking truth is to enter the room no one has ever left alive-and make herself the next target

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 11 раз
Прочитано: 478 раз

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