книга The Hob's Bargain

Patricia Briggs

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книга The Hob's Bargain

Hated and feared, magic was banished from the land. But now, freed from the spells of the wicked bloodmages, magic — both good and evil — returns. And Aren of Fallbrook feels her own power of Sight strengthen and grow
Overcome by vision of mayhem and murder, Aren vows to save her village from the ruthless raiders who have descended upon it — and killed her family. With the return of wildlings to the hills and forests, she strikes a bargain with the Hob, a magical,humanlike creature imbued with the power of the mountains. But the Hob is the last of his kind. And he will exact a heavy price to defend the village — a price Aren herself must pay

Жанр: Фэнтези
Скачано: 59 раз
Прочитано: 1238 раз

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