книга The Female Man

Joanna Russ

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книга The Female Man

"As hard and mean and fine as Flannery O'Connor I wish that everyone would read Joanna Russ' books." -Dorothy Allison, author of Bastard Out of Carolina "Joanna Russ offers a gallery of some of the most interesting female protagonists in current fiction, women who are rarely victims and sometimes even victors, but always engaged sharply and perceptively with their fate." -Marge Piercy "A stunning book, a work to be read with great respect. It's also screamingly funny." -Elizabeth Lynn, San Francisco Review of Books "A work of frightening power, but it is also a work of great fictional subtlety It should appeal to all intelligent people who look for exciting ideation, crackling dialogue, provocative fictional games-playing in their reading." -Douglas Barbour, Toronto Star
"Joanna Russ offers a gallery of some of the most interesting female protagonists in current fiction – Marge Piercy, American Poetry Review
A stunning book, a work to be read with great respect. It's also screamingly funny. – Elizabeth Lynn, San Francisco Review of Books
A work of frightening power, but it is also a work of great fictional subtlety. – Douglas Barbour, Toronto Star
[The Female Man] is as hard and mean and fine as Flannery O'Connor. – Dorothy Allison, Salon
It's influenced William Gibson and been listed as one of the ten essential works of science fiction. Most importantly, Joanna Russ's THE FEMALE MAN is a suspenseful, surprising and darkly witty chronicle of what happens when Jeannine, Janet, Joanna, and Jael-four alternate selves from drastically different realities-meet.

Жанр: Научная Фантастика
Скачано: 56 раз
Прочитано: 745 раз

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