книга Taken Over

Erika Stevens

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книга Taken Over

Devastated by the loss of Cade, struggling to survive in a world she no longer knows, Bethany is determined to exact revenge upon the aliens that have shredded her life, and the lives of her family and friends. Presented with an opportunity to uncover the secret that Dr. Bishop feels her blood holds, and why she is different than the rest of the survivors, Bethany strikes out on a mission. With a small group of fellow survivors, Bethany is determined to gather the supplies necessary to discover what help she may be for humanity. Though she is haunted by memories of those she’s lost, Bethany refuses to give up hope that one day they might be able to regain some semblance of their former lives. Though chances of that are looking smaller and smaller as they are confronted with new, and even deadlier creatures looking for only one thing; the destruction of the human race. Young Adult. This book contains some language, violence, and sexual situations.

Жанр: Фэнтези
Скачано: 741 раз
Прочитано: 647 раз

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