книга Prayers for the Dead

Faye Kellerman

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книга Prayers for the Dead

The brutal murder of Dr. Azor Sparks in an alley behind a restaurant is greeted with public outrage and a demand for swift, sure justice. But the investigation into the well-known surgeon's death is raising too many questions and providing too few answers for homicide detective Lieutenant Peter Decker.
Why, for example, would the family of a man so beloved respond to his slaying with more surprise than grief? And what linked a celebrated doctor with strict fundamentalist beliefs to a gang of outlaw bikers? But the most unsettling connection of all is the one that ties the tormented Sparks family to Peter Decker's own – and the secrets shared by a renegade Catholic priestand Decker's wife, Rina Lazarus.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 6 раз
Прочитано: 522 раз

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