книга Portrait In Death

J. Robb

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книга Portrait In Death

Lieutenant Eve Dallas faces a serial killer who offers his victims eternal youth by taking their life
After a tip from a reporter, Eve Dallas finds the body of a young woman in a Delancey street dumpster. Just hours before, the news station had mysteriously received a portfolio of professional portraits of the woman. The photos seemed to be nothing out of the ordinary for any pretty young woman starting a modeling career. Except that she wasn't a model. And that these photos were taken after she had been murdered.
Now Dallas is on the trail of a killer who's a perfectionist and an artist. He carefully observes and records his victim's every move. And he has a mission: to own every beautiful young woman's innocence, to capture her youth and vitality-in one fateful shot

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 45 раз
Прочитано: 953 раз

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