книга Pilgrimage to Hell

James Axler

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книга Pilgrimage to Hell

On a crisp January day, a Presidential Inauguration day, a one-megaton blast ripped through the Soviet embassy in Washington DC.
Subsequent explosions around the globe changed the face and the shape of the earth forever. Out of the ruins emerged Deathlands, a world that conspired against survival.
In the blasted heart of the new America, a group of men and women plan desperately to escape the eerie wastes and mutated life forms of their nuclear hell. Three Warriors — the tough, intelligent Ryan Cawdor, an enigmatic beauty called Krysty Wroth, and the armorer J.B. Dix, — set out on a harrowing journey to find a rumored enclave high in the mountains.
Their aim: to unlock the secrets of pre-war scientific experiments that could hold the answer to survival in the Deathlands of the future.

Жанр: Боевая фантастика
Скачано: 48 раз
Прочитано: 750 раз

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