книга Night of Thunder

Stephen Hunter

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книга Night of Thunder

New York Times bestselling author Stephen Hunter returns with his most riveting Bob Lee Swagger volume to date. The stakes are high – and personal because this time, Swagger's daughter's life is at stake. Forced off the road and into a crash that leaves her clinging to life in a coma, Nikki Swagger had begun to peel back the onion of a Southern Fried scandal. Corrupt constabulary, meth lab crackers, and deranged evangelicals rear their ugly heads and when Swagger picks up where Nikki left off, his swift sword of justice is let loose. All of it is set against the backdrop of the excitement and insanity that only a weeklong NASCAR event can bring to the backwoods of a town as seemingly sleepy as Bristol, VA. A master at the top of his game, Hunter provides a host of riveting new reasons to read as fast as we can. Stephen Hunter is the bestselling author of THE 47TH SAMURAI, HAVANA and PALE HORSE COMING, among other titles.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 52 раз
Прочитано: 665 раз

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