книга Murder On Waverly Place

Victoria Thompson

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книга Murder On Waverly Place

Victoria Thompson once again 'vividly recreates the gaslit world of New York.' (Publishers Weekly)
Sarah Brandt is not completely surprised when her very proper mother asks her to attend a séance. She knows that Mrs. Decker still carries great guilt over the death of her older daughter, Maggie. So Sarah accompanies her and the spiritualist does seem to contact Maggie – convincing Mrs. Decker to attend another séance.
Only this time, one of the attendees doesn't succeed in speaking to the dead – she joins them. Now, it's up to Sarah and Detective Sergeant Frank Malloy to protect Mrs. Decker from scandal – by determining how a woman was murdered in the pitch dark when every suspect was holding the hand of the person next to them.

Жанр: Детектив
Скачано: 130 раз
Прочитано: 678 раз

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