книга Majipoor Chronicles

Robert Silverberg

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книга Majipoor Chronicles

‘There's a room in there where millions of people of Majipoor have left memory-readings. You pick up a capsule, put it in a special slot and suddenly you find yourself living in Lord Confalume's time, or Lord Siminave's, or out there fighting the Metamorph Wars’
The archives of the House of Records of the planet Majipoor have been rediscovered by the boy Hissune in the time after the restoration of the Coronal Lord Valentine.
In tales of life, love, conflict and discovery, the complex and colourful world of Majipoor is explored from different perspectives, ranging across its long history and immense terrain.

Жанр: Фэнтези
Скачано: 32 раз
Прочитано: 471 раз

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