книга Larry's Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China

Daniel Rose

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книга Larry's Kidney, Being the True Story of How I Found Myself in China

Larry Feldman desperately needed a kidney. After two god-awful years on dialysis, watching his life ebb away while waiting on a transplant list behind 74,000 other Americans, the gun-toting couch potato decided to risk everything and travel to China, the controversial kingdom of organ transplants. He was confident he could shake out a single, pre-loved kidney from the country's 1.3 billion people. But Larry urgently needed his cousin Daniel's help even though they had been on the outs with each other for years.
But wait: Larry was never one to not get his money's worth. Since he was already shelling out for a trip to China, he decided to make it a twofer: he arranged to pick up an (e-)mail-order bride while he was at it. After a tireless search of the Internet, he already knew the woman he wanted. An unforgettable adventure, Larry's Kidney is the funniest yet most heartwarming book of the year.

Жанр: Современная проза
Скачано: 4 раз
Прочитано: 373 раз

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