книга Kill School

Dick Stivers

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книга Kill School

Dispatched to return fascist commander Col. Roberto Quesada to face the televised spectacle of trial in the United States, Able Team drops into the free-fire zone of El Salvador's Morazan province.
A Salvadoran army commando, obsessed with revenge for his "disappeared" father and brother, guides Able Team across a landscape of terror and atrocity.
Then a coded radio transmission from Washington, D.C. betrays Able Team. Battling against Stalinist assassins, the three North Americans pursue Quesada into the lost world of the Honduran mountains — where Pan-American Nazis are training the shock troopers of a New World Reich.

Жанр: Боевик
Скачано: 361 раз
Прочитано: 626 раз

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