книга Jolie Blon’s Bounce

James Burke

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книга Jolie Blon’s Bounce

Three men are present when Amanda Boudreau is raped and murdered and small time hustler Tee Bobby Hulin's prints are found at the crime scene. Dave Robicheaux reckons he's innocent, and Tee Bobby pleads so, then attempts suicide in his holding cell. Why? Tee Bobby is released on bail and soon after there is a second murder. When lawyer Perry LaSalle takes on the defence of Tee Bobby, Dave knows his motives are fuelled by guilt. For Tee Bobby's grandmother was seduced by Perry's grandfather, and Amanda Boudreau's death is related to events that happened long before Tee Bobby was born

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 50 раз
Прочитано: 1170 раз

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