книга Frozen Tracks

Åke Edwardson

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книга Frozen Tracks

From the land of the midnight sun, a compelling and dark thriller by a master of crime fiction
The autumn gloom comes quickly on the Swedish city of Gothenburg, and for Detective Inspector Erik Winter the days seem even shorter, the nights bleaker, when he is faced with two seemingly unrelated sets of perplexing crimes. The investigation of a series of assaults and a string of child abductions take Winter to "the flats," the barren prairies of rural Sweden whose wastelands conceal crimes as sinister as the land itself. Winter must deduce the labyrinthine connections between the cases before it is too late and his own family comes into danger. Stylish, haunting, and psychologically astute, Frozen Tracks features characters who would be at home in any American procedural, but with a sensibility that is distinctly European. Frozen Tracks will appeal to fans of Henning Mankell and George Pelecanos, and to anyone who relishes superbly crafted crime novels.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 849 раз
Прочитано: 1714 раз

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