книга Cold Hit

Linda Fairstein

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книга Cold Hit

The third in Linda Fairstein's gripping and authentic series of crime novels featuring Assistant D.A. Alexandra Cooper. With aplomb, style and sharp compassion for her "clients" Coop again unravels the truth behind murder in partnership with homicide detectives Mike Chapman and Mercer Wallace. The victim is Deni Caxton, third wife to the heir of a steel baron and a leading New York art dealer in her own right. As Coop, Chapman and Mercer investigate her brutal killing they strip away the elegant and refined façade of her marriage and the international art world to reveal a tangle of cut-throat business dealings, over blown egos and distorted passions. They find that the rich have the same motives for murder as the poorest killer – money, revenge, love and hate – and they rapidly discover that a veneer of artistic 'civilisation' doesn't prevent the use of blackmail or violence, not even when officers of the law stand in the way.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 41 раз
Прочитано: 706 раз

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