книга Body of Evidence

Joan Pickart

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книга Body of Evidence

An omnibus of novels
One murder. Three city agencies. Three powerful romances!
No one keeps secrets from Death in this bold new collection by bestselling authors.
a powerful man is murdered in his home, and not even his wealth and privilege can hide the trail of scandal he left behind. A scandal that is about to be unmasked by Chicago's top agencies
– Reunited over a corpse, forensics detective Josh Benton and medical examiner Maggie Sutter discovered foul play – and a simmering attraction underlying their long-term alliance
– Darien Wilson was made for marriage – not murder investigations. But since Detective Colin Waters was forced to accept her as his partner, he was also forced to accept that she was a damn good detective. And one hell of a lover
– Jennifer Anderson shared one passion-filled night with district attorney Evan Stone. Little did she know he'd be her next assignment, or that she would be following the sexy prosecutor all the way to the final verdict – of father-to-be.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 10 раз
Прочитано: 642 раз

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