книга Bloody Mary

J. Konrath

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книга Bloody Mary

Lieutenant Jack Daniels is back, and this time she has to solve one of her goriest cases ever. Someone is running around Chicago dismembering women, and the spare body parts are winding up at the local morgue. In addition to the headaches of the job, she also has to deal with her mother showing up to live with her, as well as the reappearance of her ex-husband, right when she’d thought she was making progress in a relationship with a new boyfriend. Along with her binge-eating partner Herb, who’s on a failing quest to find the perfect diet, we see Jack track down and convict one of the scariest serial killers in recent memory – but not before she becomes a target of his wrath, as well.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 25 раз
Прочитано: 587 раз

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