книга Blood Hunt

Jack Harvey

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книга Blood Hunt

It begins with a phone call. Gordon Reeve's brother has been found dead in his car in San Diego – the car was locked from the inside, a gun in his hand. In the US to identify the body Gordon comes to realise that his brother has in fact been murdered. What's more, it is soon obvious that his own life is in danger. Once back in Scotland he finds out that there have been more visitors than usual to his house and his home has been bugged by professionals. But Reeve is a professional too. Ex SAS, he was half of a two man unit with someone he came to fear, then to hate. It looks like his Nemesis is back. The horror has just begun

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 50 раз
Прочитано: 1082 раз

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