книга Banco: the Further Adventures of Papillon

Henri Charrière

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книга Banco: the Further Adventures of Papillon

Here at last is the sensational sequel to "Papillon" – the great story of escape and adventure that took the world by storm. "Banco" continues the adventures of Henri Charriere – nicknamed 'Papillon' – in Venezuela, where he has finally won his freedom after thirteen years of escape and imprisonment. Despite his resolve to become an honest man, Charriere is soon involved in hair-raising exploits with goldminers, gamblers, bank-robbers and revolutionaries – robbing and being robbed, his lust for life as strong as ever. He also runs night-clubs in Caracas until an earthquake ruins him in 1967 – when he decides to write the book that brings him international fame. Henri Charriere died in 1973 at the age of 66.

Жанр: Триллер
Скачано: 46 раз
Прочитано: 632 раз

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