книга Skylark DuQuesne

Edward Smith

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книга Skylark DuQuesne

Seaton and DuQuesne are mortal enemies who must now fight on the same side for the good of humanity. Seaton is on constant alert for Duquesne’s double-cross.
was the final novel in the epic series by E. E. Smith. Written as Smith’s last novel in 1965 and published shortly before his death, it expands on the characterizations of the earlier novels (written 1919 – about 1938) but with some discrepancies (some of which may relate to unwritten background developments). The most significant point is that Dr. Marc DuQuesne, the major villain of the three previous novels, is shown to have matured, reformed, and offered a chance at what amounted at pardon for his prior crimes against the heroes.
was first serialized in beginning in June 1965 before being published in 1966 by Pyramid Books.
Nominated for Hugo Award for Best Novel in 1966.

Жанр: Научная Фантастика
Скачано: 47 раз
Прочитано: 370 раз

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